A Back-to-School Bash can be a deliberate way to celebrate the upcoming year but also a time to lay some serious groundwork and prepare the hearts of each student. When a new school year starts in the fall, there are so many mixed emotions running through the hearts and minds of students that are far deeper than picking out the right back to school outfit for the first day.
Change can be Tough but Growth is Good.
It’s been said that we only grow when we’re uncomfortable and get out of our comfort zone. This is often true. The direction in which we grow, however, is a vital component when the character of a person is being developed. The nerves of changing from middle school to high school or the first year of college can be both exciting and perhaps overwhelming. What better time to make plans to succeed and grow in the right direction than just prior to those major life changes? Whether the group is your youth group (middle and high school), a college ministry or your school’s senior class, it’s a wise move to gathering them together for some focused time in order to prepare for both the difficulties and benefits of making the right choices during the changes ahead.
Peers, Fears, and Faith: Help Them to Fix Their Eyes on God.
Where does the average student fix their gaze when trying to see where they measure up in their new environment? Knowing to what extent the three components of peers, fears, and faith play in the daily lives of students can help mentors and leaders guide them to keep their eyes focused on God. It’s not enough to tell students about peer pressure if they don’t know where else to turn. It’s not enough to say “fear not” if a student is getting bullied at school or worried about their parents if he/she doesn’t know that God is the Protector and Provider. Gaining a Biblical perspective and learning how to keep eyes on God, is more than learning a list of things to avoid. Our Savior is the One to run TO when they don’t feel like they are measuring up; when fear seems overwhelming and when peers turn their backs or pressure.
Building a Secure Identity in Christ
Knowing they are a part of a large group of students that they can turn to when facing new decisions, temptations and opportunities can help set the tone for the new year of stronger growth in faith and identity in Christ. Knowing that you matter as a part of His Body of Believers helps a young person in an insecure world, find the security of his/her identity in the Savior, the One Who paid the precious price of His Own Blood to pay sin’s price for our souls!
Ephesians 6:10-20 (The Armour of God Passage) and Matthew 7, as well as a myriad of other passages, offer so much insight into how to live out a secure identity in Christ. Any single parable or portion of these could be very applicable for grounding a more secure identity in our Savior. The character lessons and instruction of scripture offers a way to help students traverse what may lie ahead in the new year with the security of knowing to Whom he/she belongs and how to believe, think and act as one who is secure in Christ.
His Plans to Prosper: God Knows even when we don’t
The future is a wonderous and uncertain thing. But we belong to an Omnitiant and Loving God! He created each student in your charge, each person in your life and you for a reason. When faced with a new school year, this one thing is certain: God has Good plans for You! Even when we don’t know what may lie ahead, He does! Trust Him.
‘For I know what plans I have in mind for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for well-being, not for bad things; so that you can have hope and a future. When you call to me and pray to me, I will listen to you.’
~ Jeremiah 29:10-12
When embarking on the journey of a new school year ahead, it’s important to bring together a student group who can be accountability partners for one another and share faith-strengthening comradery. We hope you’ll consider setting aside some time with your student group before school starts or just shortly after, to reset the plumbline or chart the course for a new year. We hope that your group can plan some dedicated time away to build upon the strong foundation of Christ.
In everything, may God be Glorified!
If you are interested in bringing a group to Wafloy Mountain Village for a Back-to-School Event please fill out this inquiry form: HERE